Firearm Carry Act

Section 1: Definitions

Firearm: Any weapon designed to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns.

Concealed Carry: The practice of carrying a firearm in public in a manner that is hidden from the ordinary sight of another person.

Open Carry: The practice of carrying a firearm in plain view of others in a public space. Public Spaces: Any area accessible to the general population, including streets, parks, government buildings, and commercial establishments. Licensed Individual: Any person who has been granted a permit to carry a firearm under the provisions outlined in this law.

Section 2: Eligibility for Carrying a Firearm

Eligibility Requirements: Individuals must meet the following conditions to be eligible to carry a firearm, either concealed or openly, in the state of San Andreas: a. Be at least 18 years of age. b. Be a legal resident of San Andreas for at least 6 months. c. Have no prior felony convictions or violent misdemeanor charges within the past 5 years. d. Be mentally competent, as verified by a licensed medical professional.

Disqualifications: The following individuals are disqualified from obtaining a firearm carry permit: a. Anyone convicted of domestic violence or under a restraining order related to violent threats. b. Individuals under the influence of narcotics or alcohol during the permit application process. c. Persons with a history of mental illness without appropriate certification from a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

Section 3: Firearm Carry Permits Types of Permits

a. Concealed Carry Permit (CCP)

Authorizes the holder to carry a firearm in a concealed manner.

b. Open Carry Permit (OCP):

Authorizes the holder to carry a firearm openly in public areas.

c. Dual Carry Permit (DCP)

Allows the holder to carry a firearm both openly and concealed, at their discretion.

Permit Suspension/Revocation

a. Permits may be suspended or revoked if the holder violates state or federal laws related to firearms. b. Any violation of permit conditions (e.g., carrying while intoxicated) results in immediate suspension.

Section 4: Carrying Firearms in Public Concealed Carry

a. Permit holders may carry firearms concealed in most public spaces, excluding the restricted areas listed in Section 5. b. Firearms must be fully concealed and not discernible to the public. Open Carry: a. Permit holders may openly carry firearms in public spaces, provided the firearm is securely holstered and visible. b. Open carry is prohibited at events or gatherings where the total attendance exceeds 50 individuals without written approval from local authorities.

Section 5: Prohibited Firearms & Modifications

While the open carry of firearms is permitted in San Andreas under certain conditions, the following firearms and modifications are strictly prohibited to ensure public safety and compliance with state regulations:

Prohibited Firearms:

  1. Fully Automatic Firearms: Any weapon that discharges more than one round with a single pull of the trigger is illegal.

  2. Short-Barreled Rifles (SBRs) and Shotguns: Rifles with a barrel length less than 16 inches or shotguns with a barrel length less than 18 inches.

  3. Silenced Firearms: Any firearm equipped with a suppressor or silencer to muffle the sound of discharge.

  4. Explosive Weapons: Grenade launchers, rocket launchers, or any weapon that fires an explosive or incendiary device.

  5. High-Capacity Magazines: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition are prohibited unless granted a specific exemption.

  6. Armor-Piercing Ammunition: Ammunition designed to penetrate body armor or armored vehicles is illegal for civilian use.

  7. Destructive Devices: Any type of firearm classified as a destructive device, such as explosives, bombs, or large-caliber firearms exceeding .50 caliber.

Prohibited Modifications:

  1. Bump Stocks and Similar Devices: Modifications designed to increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic weapon.

  2. Trigger Cranks: Any device that allows multiple rounds to be fired by manipulating a trigger crank or similar mechanism.

  3. Modified Flash Suppressors and Barrel Shrouds: Any attachment or modification that reduces the visible signature of a firearm’s discharge.

  4. Conversion Kits: Kits that allow semi-automatic firearms to be converted into fully automatic weapons or other prohibited forms.

  5. Laser Targeting Devices (Restricted for Civilian Use): Any firearm equipped with laser sighting or targeting devices that can disorient or blind opponents.

  6. Sawed-Off Stocks: Modifying a firearm’s stock to reduce its overall length to an illegal configuration.

Violations of these restrictions can result in criminal charges, hefty fines, and the seizure of the prohibited firearms and modifications. Always ensure your firearm and any modifications comply with San Andreas state law before carrying openly in public spaces.

Section 6: Restricted Zones

Carrying firearms, whether concealed or openly, is prohibited in the following areas unless otherwise authorized:

  • Government buildings, including courthouses and legislative offices.

  • Public schools, colleges, and universities.

  • Hospitals and healthcare facilities.

  • Airports and transportation hubs.

  • Any private business or property that has posted signs prohibiting firearms.

  • Bars, clubs, and any establishments where alcohol is the primary source of revenue.

Section 7: Enforcement and Penalties

Violation Penalties: a. Carrying a firearm without a valid permit is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 6 months in jail and/or a fine of $5,000. b. Carrying a firearm in a restricted zone is subject to a fine of $2,500 and may result in revocation of the firearm carry permit.

Law Enforcement Powers: a. Law enforcement officers have the authority to request the presentation of a firearm carry permit during any lawful stop. b. Failure to present a valid permit upon request may result in immediate confiscation of the firearm.

Section 8: Reciprocity with Other States

San Andreas will honor firearm carry permits issued by states with equivalent or more stringent firearm laws, provided that the carrier abides by the laws of San Andreas while in the state.

Out-of-state carriers must report their intent to carry a firearm within San Andreas borders to local law enforcement within 48 hours of entering the state.

Section 9: Amendments and Revisions

This law may be subject to amendment by the San Andreas State Legislature as deemed necessary for public safety and legal conformity.

Any amendments or changes will be publicly announced and permit holders will be notified of significant changes that affect their rights and responsibilities.

Last updated