Section 1: Definitions

  1. Offering False Evidence: The act of knowingly presenting or attempting to present false, misleading, or fabricated information, documents, or items as evidence in a legal proceeding, investigation, or official inquiry.

  2. False Evidence: Any information, document, or item that is untrue, misleading, or fabricated, which is intended to deceive or mislead a court, law enforcement agency, or other official body.

  3. Legal Proceeding: Any judicial or administrative process, including trials, hearings, investigations, or any official process where evidence is presented.

  4. Official Inquiry: Any investigation or examination conducted by law enforcement, regulatory bodies, or other authorities with legal powers to collect and evaluate evidence.

Section 2: Offenses

  1. Presentation of False Evidence:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly present false evidence in a legal proceeding or official inquiry with the intent to deceive or mislead the court, law enforcement, or other official body.

  2. Fabrication of Evidence:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person to create or fabricate evidence with the intent to present it as true or to induce others to believe it is true in a legal proceeding or official inquiry.

  3. Tampering with Evidence:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, destroy, or conceal evidence with the intent to prevent its use or to mislead a legal proceeding or official inquiry.

  4. Solicitation of False Evidence:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit, persuade, or otherwise induce another person to offer or present false evidence in a legal proceeding or official inquiry.

Section 3: Exceptions

  1. Legal Representation:

    • This code shall not apply to actions taken by legal representatives in the course of providing legal advice or representation, provided that the actions do not involve knowingly presenting false evidence.

  2. Lawful Investigations:

    • This code shall not apply to individuals involved in lawful investigations or inquiries, where evidence is presented or reviewed in accordance with legal procedures and with no intent to deceive.





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