(a) Definition

Making an illegal U-turn is the act of executing a U-turn maneuver in a motor vehicle at a location where it is prohibited by state laws or regulations.

(b) Elements of the Offense

The following elements must be met to constitute an illegal U-turn:

  1. The defendant operated a motor vehicle on a public roadway.

  2. The defendant executed a U-turn maneuver at a location where it is prohibited by state laws or regulations.

  3. The defendant knew or should have known that making a U-turn at that location was illegal.

Prohibited Locations

(a) Prohibited locations for U-turns may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Areas with signs indicating "No U-turn" or "U-turn Prohibited."

  2. Intersections with double yellow lines or other markings indicating that U-turns are not permitted.

  3. Intersections with traffic control devices, such as traffic signals or signs, prohibiting U-turns.

(c) Defenses

  • (a) It shall be a defense to a charge of making an illegal U-turn if the defendant can prove that they were not aware of the prohibition on U-turns at the location where the maneuver was executed.

  • (b) Lack of evidence of making an illegal U-turn, such as errors in law enforcement observations or documentation, may also serve as defenses if proven by the defendant.

(d) Aggravating Factors

  • Aggravating factors such as causing an accident or injury due to making an illegal U-turn, repeatedly violating U-turn laws, or prior convictions for similar offenses may result in enhanced penalties or additional charges as determined by the court.


Penalties for assault charges can vary widely depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the offense. They may include:





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