(a) Definition

Display of a license plate is the act of affixing, mounting, or otherwise placing a vehicle license plate in a manner that complies with state laws and regulations governing the visibility and legibility of license plates.

(b) Elements of the Offense

The following elements must be met to constitute display of a license plate:

  1. The defendant operated a motor vehicle on a public roadway.

  2. The motor vehicle was required to display a license plate according to state laws and regulations.

  3. The license plate was not properly affixed, mounted, or displayed in accordance with state laws and regulations.

Types of Violations

(a) Violations of display of license plate laws may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Failing to affix a license plate to only the rear of the vehicle as required by law. Having a front plate is optional in the state of San Andreas.

  2. Mounting the license plate in a manner that obstructs its visibility or legibility.

  3. Using altered or illegible license plates that do not conform to state specifications.

  4. Failing to renew vehicle registration and obtain updated license plates as required by law.

(c) Defenses

  • (a) It shall be a defense to a charge of display of license plate if the defendant can prove that they were in compliance with state laws and regulations governing license plate display at the time of the alleged violation.

  • (b) Lack of evidence of a violation, such as errors in law enforcement observations or documentation, may also serve as defenses if proven by the defendant.

(d) Aggravating Factors

  • Aggravating factors such as using fraudulent license plates, repeatedly violating license plate laws, or prior convictions for similar offenses may result in enhanced penalties or additional charges as determined by the court.


Penalties for assault charges can vary widely depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the offense. They may include:





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