Section 1: Definitions

  1. Travel Logs: Official records maintained by the operator of a commercial vehicle that document the vehicle's travel activities, including but not limited to hours of operation, mileage, routes taken, and locations visited.

  2. Falsification: The act of knowingly altering, fabricating, or misrepresenting information in travel logs with the intent to deceive or mislead regulatory authorities, law enforcement, or any other party authorized to review such records.

  3. Commercial Vehicle: A motor vehicle used for the transportation of goods or passengers, operated for business purposes or for compensation.

  4. Regulatory Authority: Any government agency or body responsible for overseeing the operation and regulation of commercial vehicles, including but not limited to the Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), or similar entities.

Section 2: Offenses

  1. Falsification of Travel Logs:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to knowingly falsify travel logs by altering, fabricating, or misrepresenting information in the logs, with the intent to deceive or mislead.

  2. Failure to Report Falsification:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to fail to report the discovery of falsified travel logs to the appropriate regulatory authority or law enforcement when such falsification is known or suspected.

  3. Submission of False Travel Logs:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to knowingly submit false or misleading travel logs to regulatory authorities, law enforcement, or other entities authorized to review such records.

  4. Concealment of Falsification:

    • It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to conceal or attempt to conceal falsification of travel logs from regulatory authorities or law enforcement.

Section 3: Additional Provisions

  1. Revocation of Commercial Operating License:

    • The court may order the revocation or suspension of the commercial operating license of any person or entity convicted of falsifying travel logs or related offenses.

Section 4: Exceptions

  1. Lawful Record-Keeping:

    • This code shall not apply to instances where travel logs are maintained in accordance with lawful record-keeping practices and regulatory requirements, and where any deficiencies are promptly corrected.

  2. Unintentional Errors:

    • This code shall not apply to instances where errors in travel logs are proven to be unintentional and promptly corrected upon discovery, provided that no intentional falsification or obstruction of regulatory requirements is involved.





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